Jewish Christmas Songs

Have Yourself a Jewish Little Christmas - by Marc Tracy; Tablet Magazine
Following up on the theme of Friday's sermon, here is an article about the most famous American Christmas songs, all written by Jews.  Irving Berlin's "White Christmas" is the most well known by far, but even "Santa Baby" now made famous by Taylor Swift, was composed by Joan Ellen Javits and Philip Springer.  Watch the below video for some more interesting tidbits about this remarkable cultural phenomenon.

A Fine Romance from Tablet Magazine on Vimeo.
I of course favor Bruce Springsteen's "Santa Clause is Coming to Town." I certainly don't mind listening to that on E Street Radio! At this time of year I find myself singing many of these songs. So we have a choice. Shut out the world at large. Or sing along with our neighbors. I choose to get into this holiday spirit! I love a good song, no matter who wrote it.

For those who would like more information about David Lehman's A Fine Romance: Jewish Songwriters, American Songs visit Nextbook Press.

Jewish Songs?


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